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How to Clean Your TV Screen

A clean television screen is essential for a quality viewing experience. Not only are fingerprints and smudges unsightly, but they can also be distracting. Dust can also build up over time, making it difficult to see the image on the screen. Whether you have a plasma, LCD, or LED TV, there is a right way and a wrong way to clean your screen. In this blog post, we will teach you the best way to clean your TV screen so that you can enjoy your favorite shows and movies to the fullest.

How Often Should You Clean Your Screen?

It is important to clean your TV screen regularly in order to keep it looking its best. The frequency with which you need to clean it will depend on how often you use it and how well you take care of it. If you have small children or pets, you may need to clean it more often than someone who doesn’t. Generally speaking, you should aim to clean your TV screen at least once a month.

What You Will Need

In order to properly clean your TV screen, you will need:

-A soft, lint-free cloth (a microfiber cloth works well)

-Water (distilled water is best)

-Isopropyl alcohol (90% or higher)

-A vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment 

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Begin by using the vacuum cleaner with the soft brush attachment to remove any dust from the screen. Be sure to move slowly so that you don’t miss any spots.

2. Next, dampen your lint-free cloth with water and gently wipe down the screen in circular motions. If there are any stubborn fingerprints or smudges, use a small amount of isopropyl alcohol on the cloth before wiping. 

3. Once you have wiped down the entire surface of the screen, use a dry portion of the cloth to remove any remaining moisture. Be sure not to leave any water streaks behind. 

4. Lastly, stand back and enjoy your clean TV screen!

See How

A clean television screen is essential for optimal viewing pleasure. In this blog post, we taught you how to properly clean your TV screen so that you can enjoy your favorite shows and movies to the fullest extent possible. By following our simple step-by-step instructions, you will have a streak-free and smear-free TV in no time!

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